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H phrases
In addition to the hazard pictogram, the labels of the dangerous substances also contain H and P phrases.
- The H phrases are hazard statements (H of hazard);
- The P phrases indicate precautions (P of precaution / safety recommendation ).
The H phrases replace the R phrases and are mandatory on the labelling of a pure substance from 1 December 2010. For a mixture, the obligation applies from 1 June 2015. This page contains a general description of the H phrases according to the GHS.
- H200 phrases Physical hazards
- H300 phrases Health hazards
- H400 phrases Environmental hazards
- EUH phrases
H200 phrases
The H200 series of phrases contain warnings that relate to the material, physical hazards of a substance. The H phrases are divided into groups. For example, H phrase 220 through to H phrase 228 refer to a flammable substance.
- H20x Explosion hazard
- H22x Flammable
- H24x Self-reactive, heating may cause an explosion
- H25x Self-heating, pyrophoric substances
- H26x Substances that can develop gases (including flammable gases) with water
- H27x Oxidising substances
- H28x Gases
- H29x Corrosive to metals
Some examples of H phrases:
- H224 Extremely flammable liquids and vapours
- H280 Contains gas under pressure; may explode if heated
H300 phrases
The H300 series of phrases contain warnings about the health hazards of a substance. For example, H phrase 310 through to H phrase 312 refer to skin contact.
- H30x Oral toxicity
- H31x Dermal toxicity
- H33x Inhalation toxicity
- H34x Mutagenic
- H35x Carcinogen
- H36x Teratogenic
- H37x Causes damage to (target) organs
Some examples of H phrases:
- H300 Fatal if swallowed
- H318 Causes serious eye damage
- H350 May cause cancer
H400 phrases

The H400 series of phrases contain warnings about the environmental hazards of a substance.
- H40x Acute aquatic hazard
- H41x Long-term aquatic hazard
- H42x Hazardous to the ozone layer
Some examples of H phrases:
- H411 Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects
- H420 Harmful to human health and the environment by ozone depletion in the upper atmosphere.
EUH phrases
The EU GHS or CLP also includes EUH phrases. These are H phrases replacing the old R phrases which are not included in the global GHS. They have the same number as the old R phrase. These EUH phrases are also divided into material properties, health properties and additional information about certain substances or mixtures.
Some examples of EUH phrases:
- EUH014 Reacts violently with water
- EUH029 Contact with water liberates toxic gas
- EUH201 Contains lead. Must not be used for items…..